Completed projects
Pavlodar Petrochemical Plant LLP

Provision of furniture for the control room and a video wall, along with work on the installation of ASDU ES (2nd stage) for Pavlodar Petrochemical Plant LLP, as well as equipment for the automated control system for the power supply of the company
Global Chemicals Industries

Construction of a production complex for processing barite ores. Supply and commissioning of equipment for transformer protection cabinets, TN, DC, AC distribution cabinets, backup cabinet Monitoring and control system in 2015.
Bogatyr Komir LLP

Development of project documentation "Reconstruction of relay protection and automation of ORU-110 kV, ORU-35 kV, ZRU-10, 6 kV and modernization of equipment of secondary circuits TRP-12 "Opornaya"
East Karazhanbas-2

Delivery and commissioning of the SCADA system according to the project according to the working project "Construction of a 2x110kV power transmission line (transmission line)" Nodal Substation of Distribution Networks – East Karazhanbas and substation East Karazhanbas-2" (2nd stage of construction)" in 2015.

Development of the working project "Construction of node substations V-83 RU-6kV and V-80/1 RU-110/35kV" and on the development of the ASKME project with reference to the existing SCADA system on the Customer's territory"
Charsk Veter LLP

Design and supply of equipment for the project: construction of the facility: "Zhangiztobe WPP" with a capacity of 30 MW in the area of the village of Zhangiztobe in the East Kazakhstan region of Kazakhstan.
Atyrau Refinery LLP

Modernization of the automated system of technical accounting of energy resources (electricity and steam) at technological installations of Atyrau Refinery LLP is the object of construction and installation works.
Atyrau Refinery LLP

Works on the development of a working draft: "Automated dispatching control system for power supply" of Atyrau Refinery
Mangistaumunaigas JSC

Works on upgrading the DeltaV (Emerson) software at the Kalamkasmunaigas gas pretreatment unit

Comprehensive turnkey work: supply of equipment and commissioning, maintenance of the 220 kV SCADA ORU system, project development – implementation of a real-time monitoring system for cable lines at BGOK RU-35 kV